Monday, April 20, 2009


we think that love is more important
in the other way
we think that life is the most important
those are our assumptions
why do we think that love more important ?
because love is part of our life
we cannot live without love
some people say we can live without love, but it is wrong
we weren't born, grown, survive if it's not because of love of our parents,
environment, friends and many things
but why do we think that life is more important ?
because life is our purpose to live
we always have a mission
a mission in life to be somebody who calls men
that makes the different between us and the others, the purpose in life
and we make a choice which one is more important
love or life ?
my answer would be both
why ?
in life we always need other
even though we can live alone or by ourselves
however I'm sure that we need other to make our life being fulfilled
and to fulfill our life, we need love
therefore life needs to be fulfilled by love
then love will make a new thing in our life

4:28 PM

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